Confessions of a Shoe Fetish...

They say admitting it, is the first step.
My name is Nellie and I LOVE shoes! There, I said it! Was that a surprise for you? Probably not.
I have loved shoes as long as I can remember. Black,brown,white,sling-back,pump,boot,it just doesn't matter. The more, the merrier!

So how many pairs of shoes do I have? I get asked that alot. I usually say, a few. You know, a few black, a few pumps, a few....
I haven't really counted exactly but let's just say it's a double digit.
Now if your going to count sandals,the number changes. Sandals & shoes are two different things. Don't forget the flip flops & boots. Still in the double digits but a little higher...

So how do you keep track? A label maker! Each box carefully labeled and stacked. Oh so pretty and organized! Makes it so simple when you're putting an outfit together. But the best organizer & my dream oraganizer is from the movie "Over board". Shoes in slots that with a turn of a handle bring the ones in the back to the front,to the side & turn like a lazy susan-just amazing! Of course, it would be push button now and no handle but truly a beautiful thing. My favourite part of the movie,a must see.

I could buy shoes everyday if it were posible.Yes,you only have one pair of feet but there is 365 days in a year( 366 this year,which means an extra pair ) and I bet most people have more than 8 pairs of underwear for one butt. I LOVE shoes! Just LOVE shoes! And thre's so many colors for so many outfits...

But, I don't always buy shoes for every outfit. I do like to get my money's worth but sometimes the shoes are a little out of my reach $$$$ wise. So you learn to suck it up.
For example, the picture of  shoes at the top corner are one of my favs. They are Christian Louboutin but at a small fortune. So I'll just drool.

My latest conquest is for a wedding. Totally stumbled upon them by fluke & fell head over heels(no pun intended). I hummed & hawed and after careful consideration, I rescued them. They will definitely make a statement as my dress is silver and my shoes are........fuschia! (check out the picture)

I LOVE SHOES! I have a fetish, what's yours?


  1. dear nelltoots, have you shopped online for shoes? Or are you more an in-store-only kinda gal? I ask only because I just started ordering from shoes were 70% off (!!!!!!) and came in ONE DAY. Best part? If they don't fit, you can take them back to any Aldo store, instead of shipping it back for more $$. Like, wow.

    Also... you organize them? IMPRESSED. Mine are in in various baskets and bins around the house... I am ashamed.


  2. Sandy,
    Yes, I've bought shoes online.There are always so many deals.Free shipping,percentage off etc.
    Best part is that you simply return the to a store,crazy I know! You can do it with clothes stores too.

    It's easier to find your shoes if they're boxed.Besides,this way they don't get wrecked.Some are more expensive than others and those that aren't, I want them to look like they are.

    I just LOVE my shoes....LOL


Wish you could