Bye, Bye 2012...

     Here it is. The last day of the year. Already? Where did it go? Seems like we were just starting 2012 & here we are finishing it!  Wow! Time does fly!

     As I look back over the year, there's good times, some not so good, there's great laughs, a few tears but lots of memories!  And isn't that what life's all about, making memories... You can't take any material things with you when your number's up but you can take your memories.  Of course some memories we choose to forget but that's part of our living process.  So let's all concentrate on the good memories!

     As for me this year, I knocked off a bucket list item.  Attending the movies by myself.  Maybe not a big deal to some but for me, it's off my list.  I hope to conquer a few more things off my bucket list this coming year.  What will they be? Time will tell.

     You can't prepare for 2013 but you can aim to make it as good as you can.  Life always has curve balls but what doesn't kill you, makes you homicidal, I mean stronger. So bring it!

     So tonight, I'm just hanging out with my family.  No big party, no fireworks.  Just enjoying the evening and waiting to watch the big ball drop in Times Square.  Something I've been watching since I can remember!

     In the great words(some have been re-arranged) of Carol Burnett(don't want to date myself but I used to watch her show as a not so little girl):
 I'm so glad we had this year together, just to have a laugh, sing a song or be crazy, seems this year just got started & before you know it, it's time to say good-bye 2012 & HELLO 2013!

     So here's to great friendships, new friends, old friends,  awesome times & amazing adventures!



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