Adventure of a Lifetime....

     There's nothing like a curve in life to totally throw you off your game. Sometimes it's just a little thing that can upset your entire universe. At other times it can be a major life alternating situation. Never leaving your life the same.  There may be nothing you can do about it at the time or even at all. Some times we just have to "suck it up". No one ever said life was fair.  But I'm sure we can all agree that life does suck at some point or another.  People say things happen for a reason, well then, sometimes the reason sucks!

     We can't change our past or foresee our future. We can only take everyday as it comes.  It may not be what we wanted or expected or probably deserved but what option do we really have? There's no magic potion or wishing well. But we can make the most of it.

     Trust me, some days I just want to throw in the towel, wave my white flag and surrender! I Give Up!  And when I say,” Dear Life, it couldn't get any worse", it seems that Life thinks it's a challenge! If today is a gift, I want a refund! Ok, how about just a small exchange??

     But let's look on the bright side. Yes, there is one. Somewhere. We just have to find it.  We have our health, even though it may not be great, at least we are still breathing. We have our family. Wait; is that on the plus or minus side?? Let's move along. We have our friends. Sometimes, they are better than family. And you can see who they truly are when life gives you lemons. Because they are the ones that bring the Tequila & put that smile on your face.  We have memories. Sometimes good ones that help us thru all the ugly ones and some bad ones to make us stronger! We have alcohol & retail therapy too (you know it’s true)! And there's many more. 

     It's true, there's always someone else that has it worse than we do. But, we all deserve our "poor me" time. Just don't milk it! Life may not get better, it may be hard, but we can't let it harden us! It's so easy to become bitter, trust me I know! Everyday I fight with myself, to not be bitter. It's hard. Very hard. Sometimes it's like an uphill battle & I don't always win. Yes, I have some weak moments, I am human after all. Don't let this tough attitude fool you, but don't tell anybody either!

      Look back & see where you are today. How did you end up here? Maybe it was easy, maybe it wasn't. Sometimes we have to develop a thick skin just to survive life. Sometimes we just have to take life & everything & everyone in it with a grain or bucket of salt.  We need to learn to enjoy life, not harp on stupid, silly things. We need to let go as best as we can of what hurt us or broke us. Yes, easier said than done but if we don't try, it'll consume us. Life really is too short!

     So I am grateful for those that can make me laugh or do a little retail therapy with me.  For those that help me keep what's left of my sanity. Remember, we are not lost in this life; we are on an adventure of a lifetime...




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